Next Project???

I was combing through Ravelry’s patterns for my next project.

I even looked for a very simple sweater pattern. (That was really daring of me. I’m still a novice knitter.) Well, sweaters scared me!

So maybe I’ll look at socks next.

Or mittens…mittens look much safer.

I’m such a chicken!


Bought and Sold?

Digital Camera

I’ve put my camper up to trade 

Not sure it was a good idea, though I want something specific, a hard-sided camper that’s much smaller and lighter.

There are so many places I want to go – taking a camper – but a tent camper doesn’t have the space inside to really pack it full.

Chicken World Is Complete

The renovation is complete!

The renovation is complete!

Digital Camera

I finally finished renovating Chicken World! You can see the upper and lower nest boxes. The ducks want to be hidden and the chickens want nests high up. There is also a length of plastic pipe for extra roosts. I also doubled the wooden roosting space on the other side. They don’t like plastic in the winter, wood is more comfortable.

The cold weather made the project more difficult and at the same time more neccessary. The hens don’t like to lay in cold nests. They like to get cozy and comfortable. So if the nest box is cold, they’ll find somewhere else to lay eggs. Which means I have to go on an egg hunt.

To date, there has been nothing between the chickens and the metal wall of the building. No insulation means frozen eggs and frost-bitten combs. I was able to get some pallets from my local feed store, and I used those boards to panel the walls of Chicken World.

This didn’t instantly raise the temperature in Chicken World, after all, two sides are still open. It does keep the eggs from freezing. The wood blocks the cold, so the hay can keep the eggs warm. I hope to get a much higher hatch-rate because the eggs won’t freeze.